गुरुवार, 5 मार्च 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (55 -56) Criticize None : don't be impatient with the foolishness of 'Devotees'.

Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
12 Septeber 1996 

My dear Bijay, 
                             Received your letter of 29th August. For the last 2 months I did not get any rest. Health condition is very bad. Writing is very difficult. 
               There is no Bihar State Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal. How it had a meeting ? I do not understand. Maybe you meant State Level Camp Committee meeting. Be clear about it.We did not get any information or minutes of any such meeting. All of a sudden your request came for my participation , but the date did not suit .  

                 You cannot imagine in what condition I am passing my days for the last 2 months. I have no rest and moving like a shuttlecock. Health is also very bad. About the camp you should have talked to me on phone. 

                Your very long letter of 29th August came on 4/9 , but I did not get time (and was out for several days) to read such a long letter. Again I am leaving on 17 Sep for Bhilai, Indore, Segaon, etc and will return on 28th Sept. 

              About Hindi translation I will talk to you later on. Computer composing may not be suitable. One you did. What is the position of that book ? I don't remember what title it was . I suggested some corrections. Did you do that ?  

              Dr. B.N. Ghosh came to Konnagar for special Training Camp, but did not tell anything about State Level or Zonal Camp. Pramod also talked to me on phone, but he also did not say anything in this regard. 

                 Upon receipt of your earlier sudden letter about Zonal Camp with a date, I immediately contacted you on phone. But you took a long time to let me know about your decision. It is difficult immediately to commit that it will be possible for me to come on 1,2,3 November, though some sort of camps are very essential. 

                     "भक्तलोग " तो worthless ही होते हैं।' Everybody will not understand the things (real purpose). But criticize none, do not be impatient with their foolishness . We have to work with them and gradually take them in the fold. So, go on without grudging.

            But you have not mentioned when and by which train I will go and when and by which train I will return . Timings - beginning and end -of Camp is also essential .Without knowing all these cassettes cannot be given 

                  I am leaving for M.P. and Maharashtra on 17th and will back on 28th. After that try to contact me on phone, when I will be in a position to say if the dates will suit. 

                     One thing more , with the condition of my health it has now become difficult to travel by 2nd Class. The experience of last time was horrible. You should consider these factors. 

                  With love 

Yours affectionately



Bhuban Bhavan,

P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.

Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)

Pin Code 743121

27 November 1997 
  Reference No : VYM/ UT-118 / 97-98/ 675 

The Secretary,
Jhumri Telaiya Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal, 
C/o Tara Niketan, Bishunpur Road,
P.O. Jhumri Telaiya,
Dt. Koderma , Bihar- 825 409. 

Dear Sir, 
                       We are glad that during the last ten years you have been working in your area on the line of the Mahamandal according to its Aims and Object . 

                    This is to inform you that having considering your application dated 19 September , 1997 for affiliation, the Executive Committee of the Akhil Bharat Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal at its meeting held on 21st November, 1997 has been pleased to accord affiliation to the unit of the Mahamandal, formed by you and known as 'Jhumri Telaiya Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal' and authorize you to conduct its activities according to its Memorandum of Association and Regulations to the units of the Mahamandal (copy enclosed) .  
             The present Executive Committee , as formed by you, has also been approved to work for the current term until your next Annual General Meeting to be held according to the Regulations. 

                   You should submit reports on the activities of the unit at least once in three months. More frequent reports will be appreciated .

                 You should keep records and accounts of the unit properly and submit Annual Report and audited accounts every year after the Annual  General Meeting

                  You may henceforth use the symbol and flag of the Mahamandal .

Please acknowledge receipt .
Yours ever in Service,  
(Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay) 
Enclo: One Memorandum of 
             Association and 
             Regulations of the units.

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