बुधवार, 4 मार्च 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (53 -54)Without पुरुषकार dependence on 'Her' seems to be hollow "How to Grow in Love and keep the 'Fire' burning always ?"

Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
To the Secretary, 
Jhumri Telaiya Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal,
P.B. No. 52
P.O. Jhumritelaiya 
Dist. Koderma 

Bihar - 825 409 

                Repeated instructions are given in " Vivek-Jivan" and related announcements are made in every camp about the manner of sending money by money order.
            But unfortunately an M.O. has been received from an old unit like your in which the Senders name, address or amount of money or what is the purpose for which money is sent are not mentioned. This is also a matter of common sense . The pion cannot be made ....(not readable) to take ..... these form the whole form. Which is taken back just leaving coupon. 
                      This is very regrettable that neither directions are followed nor common sense is applied while sending money orders. 
Yours ever in service.

N. Mukhopadhyay 

Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
12 August 1996 
  Reference No : VYM/
My Dear Bijay, 
                          Received your letter Q 11/7 on return from Delhi. I am not keeping well and a lot of work is pending. What I wrote to you in my last letter I do not remember .
                 Your understanding of मनीषा is more or ....all right. Love for all comes from recognizing God in all and to recognize the imperishable in all what is perishable is called मनीषा  in the BhagavataTo grow in love is only thing to be achieved in life.
                Anger is the greatest enemy of man. Equanimity of Mind in distressing situations is the only thing to acquire to find happiness. There is no doubt that Mahamandal Work can do the greatest good to India, though many will not understand it 
         Who is Sudip Mukherjee , I cannot readily place him. You have got the information that I will not be available on 21/9 or 22/9 , when I will be in M.P. and Maharashtra. I cannot give you any date right now. It may be possible only in November if it suits you.
                Utpal (Sinha ?) does not come nowadays . It may not be possible to take him. I heard that you held meeting for the State Level camp. What happened to that?  Anyway even a District level camp cannot be fixed immediately. If November suits you, let me know the tentative dates.  
              Have faith in पुरुषकार and leave the rest to the Mother. Without पुरुषकार dependence on 'Her' seems to be hollow.Let me know about everything including the proposed camp. Why don't you settle the dates at the Annual Camp ? 
          You should know that camps , small or big, are to be held every year, if you want the 'fire'** burning always
        With blessings 
Yours affectionately

Received on 24.8.96

 **Every Year Camps are essential;  If you want to Grow in Love and keep the 'fire' burning always. 
अगर आप प्रेम में आगे बढ़ना चाहते हैं और 'आग' (प्रभु-भक्ति) को हमेशा जलाए रखना चाहते हैं, तो हर साल कैंप करना जरूरी है। 

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