गुरुवार, 5 मार्च 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (61 -62)Like "Sri Chaitanya appeal again and again to Jagai and Madhai"

Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
18 May 1999
My dear Bijay, 
                        Brahmchari Sunil (Ex - Mahamandal, Indore) who is now at Sri Ramakrishna Math , Mylapore, Chennai, has written to us that about a month back he sent the Hindi translation of an editorial from 'Vivek-Jivan' to you, but get no acknowledgment so far. 
                 You also so far did not inform me about such a translation sent by him. Let me know if you have got it and also write to him. If you have not get it , write to him to send a copy. He is eager to do this sort of work for the Mahamandal. S.K. Padhi and Panda also asked him to undertake such work. He translated ' Debate on Conversion.'
                        Another thing, regularly send the Hindi 'Vivek -Jivan' to him, even some back copies may be sent if available. Let me know all you do in this matter. I was very glad to meet you at Konnagar. No report either from you or from Janibigha regarding the camp has come so far. 
                     Work with full enthusiasm for the Mahamandal . Why don't you ask old friends who are not coming now ? Prestige should not stand in the way. Like Sri Chaitanya you must appeal again and again to even Jagai and Madhai -the most dangerous people to come. No loss of respect should be feared on this score. For it is our obligation

                 Hope everything is all right at home. With love and blessings.

Yours Affectionately

Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
18. 11. 1999 
My dear Bijay, 
                          Received your letter on Ambikapur Camp. Very good. When you want to draw my attention address the letter to me personally with address only ...itting Mahamandal . Otherwise it may escape my notice
       I know what is happening in respect of Mahamandal Camps. Our workers are lagging behind. The need is much more than what they do. 
            The Hindi translated version of 'स्वदेश मंत्र " may be shown to me before the annual camp starts. I have no time to do it myself all during the camp.
          My health is not at all good. Hope you are coming.  

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