गुरुवार, 5 मार्च 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (59 -60) "Nuclear devices can't change the mind of man to pierce the veil of Maya "

Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
13 July 1998  
My dear Bijay, 
                              Received your letter dated 12 June very late. It is good that now you remain calm in adverse situation. Go on doing your duty always, and leave the rest to the Lord. I am not in position to write a long letter. The health is not well and there are many problems and a lot of work to do. 

                        If everybody had 'ज्ञानमयी दृष्टि ' , then it will not be world of Maya. That cannot be , one has to struggle to pierce the veil of Maya. So it is that everyone does not understand the world properly. It is not something very difficult to understand. 
                 Have you not understood the things yet, about which you ask and get the same answer again and again ? If you still have doubts about the necessity of Mahamandal's work what shall I add?

                    The Hindi 'Vivek-Jivan' is coming well. Use only translations . That will do good. Happy to know that it is being received well by subscribers.  

             Elder members will always be like that . Be happy that younger ones are enthusiastic. Don't try to change old people . Don't waste  your time for them. Glad to know that Sukanta is helping now in the work sincerely. 

             Mental disease is spreading fast throughout the world. Only fools will accuse Mahamandal; if any boy who is associated with the Mahamandal gets mental disorder.            
                Those who are associated with Mahamandal amongst them few may have the trouble , but those who are outside,  will be more pron to have mental disease. Those who keep information will understand this. Why can you not explain the situation clearly to guardians of such boys (Father and brothers of Saurbh. S. Sharma).The people of Bihar are very caste conscious and that is the reason why they are comparatively backward, Politics always fans casteism.  

                 It is good that you have met the girl who came to S.N.S Camp from Jani Bigha. I hope you will keep touch with Prabhat kumar Gunjan also. I only reminded you , as you promised Maharaj at Varanasi that you again contact him. Why did you send a boy (Saurabh's brother?) to Banaras (Ashram's) Hospital ? had you contact the Swami there previously ?  You have not yet understood their mode of work. Did the Benaras devotee contact you after getting Hindi " Vivek-Jivan" ? At least you may write a letter to him to keep your promise to contact later. 

                 Nuclear devices can destroy the world and even humanity but they cannot change the mind of man. Don't hope for the impossible. Do as much as possible written in the domain of possibility, don't be insincere (कपटी), that's all

                With love 
Yours Affectionately

Date-10 September, 1998
My dear Bijay,
                             Yesterday we reach Howrah at 4.50 am. but it took long time to reach Khardah (8 am). Things at home are tolerable. My health is not at all well. I write to send you the copy of the certificate of Registration of " Vivek-Jivan". Please acknowledge receipt. 

          Hope you all are well. 
                 With love and blessings 
Yours affectionately



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