शनिवार, 29 फ़रवरी 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (45 -46): the Secretary himself should be the Permanent Representative. " Posts should not be held by inexperienced young people "

Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
3 February 1994  
 Reference No : VYM/


                     मेरी तबीयत अच्छी नहीं चल रही है। फिर बहुत दौड़ना भी पड़ता है।  तुम्हारा पत्र मिला , तुमने लिखा कुछ सदस्य पाठचक्र के विषय में कुछ परिवर्तन करना चाहते हैं।  कैसा परिवर्तन ? पाठचक्र के विषय में विवेक-जीवन में काफ़ी निर्देश है। समस्त महामण्डल इकाइयों को उन्हीं निर्देशों का ठीक ठीक पालन करना चाहिये। 
          हमलोगों को केवल दूसरे महापुरुषों के जीवन ही क्यों , यदि सम्भव हो तो और भी बहुत कुछ पढ़ना चाहिए। लेकिन ये सब विषय पाठचक्र में नहीं पढ़कर घर में पढ़ना चाहिए। 
                पाठचक्र में केवल उन्हीं विषयों पर चर्चा होनी चाहिये , जिससे युवाओं को अपना जीवन गठित करने का मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त होता होमहामण्डल का काम केवल अच्छा मनुष्यों बनने में सहायता करना है। बहुत ज्यादा देने से पचेगा नहीं। इसका फल होगा मार्ग के विषय में सन्देह।  
               किसी राजनीतिज्ञ से, चाहे वो प्रधान मंत्री ही क्यों न हों, चरित्र-निर्माण पद्धति के विषय में सुनने की इच्छा पूरी नहीं हो सकती है। इन लोगों का लक्ष्य और कुछ है। इनका उद्देश्य देश के भविष्य, युवा पीढ़ी की उन्नति करना नहीं है। इसलिये हमारे देश के लिए इस समय जो करना उचित है, महामण्डल वही कर रहा है। इससे अलग और कुछ करने की जरूरत नहीं है। 
         मैं लगातार टूर में रहता हूँ। इसीलिए ज्यादा नहीं लिख पाता हूँ- दुःखित न होना। 
               सभी के लिए मेरा प्यार पहुँचता है। इति - 
श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय. 
Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
31 May 1994
 Reference No : VYM/

My dear Bijoy, 
                           This day a hundred and one years ago Swamiji sailed for the West ! Today I receive your letter along with some reports after a long long time. It seems you have forgotten us . What about your nephew ? You have not mentioned about the sad affair.  
                  In this letter I also include official matters as I am not keeping well and not going to City Office even. 
                         You suggested 23 to 26 September for your camp. Biren wrote a letter confirming this, but there was no further letter from you which was worrying us all these days. Persons who will go will be decided later, it can not be settled now. 
                       At the annual camp the date for the workers Special Training Camp in March was announced. The next such camp will be held on 2nd and 3rd July. Notices are being regularly sent to you
                           The Vivek Vahini camp is going to be held from 3 to 6 June at Balibhara (Naihati). The workers camp will be held at the New Premise of the Mahamandal at Konnagar , it was held there in March (1994) also

                            A larger edition of the book on Character Building has in Bengali (Charitra Gathan), you may be knowing. If anything in Hindi comes, it is better to translate from enlarged Bengali edition and not from the shorter Bengali book on the subject.  
                            What advice can I give for publishing the Hindi edition soon; It depends on you. When ready some money we may give, if you need , but all voucher etc should be kept and account of all books
                       Why did you send the report in the printed form so late, you must be knowing this has to be submitted every year by the first week of April, as clearly printed on it and not with the reports after the Annual General meeting
                    The rules and regulations of the unit is not a thing to be circulated to the individual members. Why did you do this ? You may circulate only things which are expected of the members. The Memorandum of  Association and Regulations is given at the time of affiliation and not before that.
                     In the annual general meeting the annual report and accounts must invariably be placed, because the last committee is responsible for it. Without these how can you leave them and form a new committee. This is meaningless and irregular
                        Only one minute (book) may be there. How have two --one for the committee and another regarding the position of accounts --have been sent ? You could have had a meeting to discuss the problem of accounts and held the annual general meeting when the accounts were ready. Yet after all you have sent some sort of an account . How have you made it and the minute do not indicate that this was passed by the annual general meeting, which is a must.

           So you are still have dispute regarding posts in the organization. It is a wrong idea that the posts should be held by young people, who know nothing about how to run an organization.  

                 It is also not correct that the Secretary and the Permanent Representative should not be the same person. Rather the Secretary himself should be the Permanent Representative. Only when it is not possible for him to act as the P.R. somebody else may be selected for the position
                  You have also confusion about the Cashier and the Treasurer. We normally have a Treasurer. His duty is to keep money in safe custody, to keep accounts book, vouchers etc. and make payments according to the advice of the Secretary .
                    Treasurer himself cannot sanction payments . It is the duty of the Secretary , who is responsible to the committee which is to control the finance of the organisation, plan for collection of money , make a budget and have overall control .Day to day or on special occasions , the Secretary has the power to sanction expenditure within the overall budget. In some cases there is a Cashier just to handle cash under the direction of the Treasurer . He is not elected like the Treasurer. Preparing the accounts is the job of the Treasurer.

                I think I have made all points clear . What is more important is to understand the teachings of Swami ji and the ideas of the Mahamandal. Time is short .
                    We must not quarrel for little things but work sincerely and with enthusiasm.The condition in the whole society is lamentable. We can not imitate the political animals eating into the vitals of the society. It is not meet to a while away time in cultural modernity . Rise from the petty matters and work hard with sincerity. 
                    You have not mentioned anything about 'Vivek-Jivan'. Are you getting ? 
                  With love to one and all there. 
          Yours affectionately 
Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay

P.S. (अनुलेख- passenger steamer.)
It seems that your address has changed .In that case you are supposed to write a separate letter requesting to note the change of address which you have not done. 


श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (43 -44) world is neither cruel nor benign. It is what we make it. " बीर अधीर न होंहि "

ॐ ॐ ॐ 
Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
16 December 1993
 Reference No : VYM/

My dear Bijay,
                           Perhaps you do not know, for some time I am in very bad state of health.  
                        Yet after the five day programme in Calcutta to celebrate the centenary of the Chicago Parliament I had to go to Orissa for another Parliament , then to Madhya Pradesh for state level camp. And then again to Orissa for the state level camp and the Golden Jubilee of Utkal University. 
                      Immediately on my return I had to be out in connection with the death of a relative. Only yesterday I came back and in the meantime the postal strike was also going on . 
                 So this is the earliest I could reply to your letter dated 22 November which brought the very bad newsNow also we are in the thick of the ensuing all India Camp. Hope you will come there and we shall have an opportunity to talk in details. 
                To live in the world we must retain our Aham. Did not Thakur shed tears on many occasions when he heard  some death news etc.? The country has gone to dogs. Violence , kidnapping, extortion and things like that are everyday affairs. There is no government or administration anywhere .Only there are politicians and there is the farce of democracy and elections.
               Religion has vanished and it is being used for political gains. Hard atheists are also taking the name of Swami Vivekananda and even of Sri Ramakrishna at times , but just to cheat people.  
                     So you found some honest Police Officers in Lalu's Bihar ! What can be more astonishing ? But such an incident is not enough cause to say good-by to this rotten world. It has to be improved. That is why Thakur, Ma and Swamiji came
The world is to give you blows , did you not read in Swamiji ? The world is neither cruel nor benign. It is what we make it. Be not a ball at the feet of the world. If you are not, it will not kick you any more
                          Did the Police do anything sincerely ? That is what is necessary. They must be able to find some clue. What are they for then, if they cannot do it ? I can understand the condition of your sister and bother-in-law and also your own condition. 
                      But only you can move following the normal channels of crime detection. There are now private detectives everywhere . The Government agencies failing, you have to engage  them. They are far more efficient than any Government agencies .Did you try that ? 
                 Advice your sister in the matter . At least they will be able to give some clue, if they cannot find the boy. They will not say , nothing can be done, as your honest Government or the honest Police say
                It is true that all power is in you.But that does not mean that you will bring out the boy. You will remain calm for proper action. Take the action I suggested.
                    At the moment you have lost the chain of arguments and that is you ask, what shall I do for Bihar with the Mahamandal ? If you cannot cure the diabolic (पैशाचिक) , you can minimize their number,  by making more men of the right type
                        The shirker (शर्कर-कायर, युद्ध के समय पीठ दिखाने वाला।) 
 says, everything is being done by God to escape from his duty. It is good for sadhus to say so and relax. It is not for the man in the society.
                   You are talking in the vein Arjuna talks to Krishna on the battle field.It does not behove you. Weep if you can, but do not be emotional .That robs you of your power
                  Why , you can also pray to Thakur for help. Why do you look at your family as yours only ? Meditation is difficult . What helps is contemplation. Attempt to meditate is only to calm the mind and not to find the solution
        Who are you to allow the body to die? It will die when its work is finished. Don't hurry.  

 " बीर अधीर न होंहि "-  'Hey hero! Do not be impatient !'

- हे वीर! अधीर मत हो!"  - श्री तुलसीदास‎ गोस्वामी जी महाराज। 
(‎श्रीरामचरितमानस‎ > ‎अयोध्या कांड)
    With blessings for your all round welfare   

          Yours affectionately 

Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay

My dear Bijoy,
                         Did you get any information about your nephew? I am so worried. I send a paper cutting on the subject. If you think necessary, you may write to the paper about your case. Such things should get much publicity. 
                 Hope after things alright, We have got a letter from the unit. Biren is to reply on the subject. 

    With love,

          Yours affectionately 


शुक्रवार, 28 फ़रवरी 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (41-42) ॐ ॐ ॐ " We hypnotize ourselves and not the world"

Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
4 August 1993
 Reference No : VYM/93-94/ 239

My dear Sanjeev,

                                        I received your letter dated 9th July a few days back.As you know , for a few years , I am not keeping good health. Recently , some eight youth camps were held in different places one after another and I had to be in all these camps. 
             Then, I am extremely busy with the preparation for the 'Centenary celebration of the Chicago Parliament of Religions' and often I have to work past mid-night and even up to the early hours of the next morning.  
               A huge number of letters and from almost every member of the study circles that you have in your neighbourhood are lying unreplied. You can explain that it is difficult for me to write to every member everywhere giving guidelines again and again.  
                 the 'Punya-Tithi' of Swami Vivekananda is not 4th of July, but 12th of January . It is not necessary to observe 4th of July. If you have any contact with boys of Basaria , Janibigha, etc., tell them not to be sorry that I am not being able at the moment to reply to every letter that they are sending. 

                हिन्दी में स्वनाम धन्य राजनितिक नेताओं की मरण वाली तीथि को पुण्य तीथि कहा जाता है , किन्तु  मानवजाति के मार्गदर्शक नेताओं की (जीवनमुक्त शिक्षकों या अवतारों की) जन्म तीथि ही मनाई जाती है। Mahamandal Leadership is with capital 'L' - Love ! }   
                 About questions , perhaps I told you in my previous letter , first you should try to find out the answer yourself or talk to the elders in the unit there. Only when you do not find a satisfactory reply to any serious question , and if you feel urgency , you may ask such question
                  In the Mahamandal , you are to follow the methods suggested by the Mahamandal and you need not to bother your head with Patanjali and other experts in the line. If you do that , it will create more confusion.
           All that is necessary for Mental Concentration, are discussed thoroughly and clearly in a very simple language in the book on the subject published by the Mahamandal .You forget the terms - 'Yama, Niyama, Asana ' etc. You follow the Mahamandal book carefully and you will get the result.  
               Then the particular question that you have put, the answer is very simple. If you are to go up to the first floor of a building, do you skip a few steps and climb up ? How can you overlook the need of Purity, Self-restraint, etc. (which are the essence of Yama , Niyama, etc.) and sit in an Asana to have concentration of the mind.  
             There is no question of fear of a fall. The point is , unless you have Self-control and Purity , your attempt to concentrate the mind will not yield sufficient result. Can you build a building without a foundation ? Purity, Restraint, self-control etc. are the foundation . Only upon that you may build the edifice of Mind-control 
             I can answer your questions only about the Mahamandal. How can I advise you anything about your connection with the Ramakrishna Mission ? We have nothing to say in this regard . 
              As I have told you already , I have very little time to write letters and at mid-night I cannot expect anybody to take a dictation. So, sometimes I have to write letters by hand.  
              It is not possible to send all letters duly typed. In that case , there should be a big office, a few typewriters and at least half a dozen person who can dictate letters. That is not our case; you can easily understand.

          With Love 

 Yours affectionately 

Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay 

Sri Sanjeev Singh 

C/o Sri Ramlakhan Singh 
Bihar State Electricity Board
Dist. Hazaribagh
Bihar- 825 409
Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
8  November 1993
 Reference No : VYM/

My dear Bijoy, 
                         On the occasion of Vijaya Dashmi  my blessings go to you, Convey my love and good wishes to all there

             I was glad to get your letter dated 1st November and to read your mind to some extent (.... ???). My habit is to say exactly what comes to my mind without caring for the possible reaction .

                  I believe the Truth comes to the mind when there is no ostentation.(ऑस्टेनटेशन-अकड़, शेखी या आडम्बर) I also believe Truth does good to man

                   It is not enough to understand the ' Inspired Talks ', but you must understand Swamiji. His voice is clear everywhere , not only in the 'Seven Island Park'.

                  I have seldom found a responsible man and the measure of the sense of responsibility is the measure of the man, it seems to me. 

                  In this organisation Swami ji is working all the time all these years. Pray  to Thakur ji to remove your 'aham'. He did it for me unasked.  If you ask He will certainly do it for you also. He does not indulge in favouring a few

                 Patience is the most important quality. The world is not imaginary. It has Objective Reality.  It is not hypnotic. 
                Only we do not know how to make use of it and create trouble for us. We hypnotize ourselves and not the world. You have to remove your Hypnotizing Spectacles, and you will see the world so benign
                   The five day programme of the 'Centenary of Chicago Parliament of Religion' went of very well. Then we had a Parliament of Religions in Orissa

                  Thereafter there was Madhya Pradesh State Level Youth Training Camp. Then there was Durga Puja at home. The condition of my health is very bad. The All India Youth Training Camp' is also coming. Towards the end of this month a State Level Camp will be held in Orissa.           
          Have faith in yourself आत्मविश्वास  . Never feel diffident (शंकालु) 
. Truth is simple and clear like day light. Open the eye and you can see.  Have the reins of your mind in Your hands ! 
 Yours affectionately 

Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay 

 P.S. In all letters give your full address invariably
{डिफिडेन्ट : संशयी, diffidence : आत्मसंशय- कभी 'तत्' और 'त्वम्' फ़र्क महसूस मत करो: 'तत्वमसि श्वेतकेतु' !}


गुरुवार, 27 फ़रवरी 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (39-40)"Try to Love every other person"

Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
5 March 1993
 Reference No : VYM/92-93/ 850

My dear XYZ, 
                          Just today I received your letter dated 25 February 1993. One who wants to follow Swami Vivekananda should first be very practical, in every matter. To be upset by emotional disturbances is to be avoided at any cost.Clear thinking , strong resolve, persistent action to achieve the objective, should be the method.  
                   Certainly you do not have a chicken heart. And , though , you may think that you have a tiny mind, it is always a part of the Great Mind. You should never tremble like Arjuna on the battle field. That does not befit a follower of Swamiji. I do not remember what happened on 15 August 1991. It is not necessary to remember such days, Depression, Spiritual experience and madness for any cause ---all are to be thrown away.
  We should not hanker for spiritual experience, but what is needed is to grow spiritually. You have asked for my advice for health. But are you ready to accept it ? I think , if the doctor opines that you should continue your medicine, you should do it without asking any questions . Don't believe in Ketu or Rahu , but if your parents are happy if you use a few pieces of stones , you should do it without giving out your mind.     
               You have not stated who asked you to take diksha .Until you feel the urge yourself , you should not take diksha being advised by anybody elseI don't understand why you are not interested in studying philosophy . I shall be personally very happy if you continue  with the study and later on I shall tell you how it will be useful. Put your mind to your studies and complete the course and then ask me . For that you need not pull a long face. 
           Your love for the country will take concrete shape later on; you cannot see that now. Has anybody suggested to you that you should become a monk in the Ramakrishna Mission ? It should be your free choice and nobody can ask you to become a monk. Leave aside such advices. 
             Why should the unit be in trouble due to you ? Don't try to impose yourself upon others. Ask if you can render any service to the unit if others want it,  do as much you are asked to do . You should somehow eschew any attacking behavior towards anybody. That actually injures oneself.
          This is all how I can help you. It is up to you to see how much help you can get from all I have said. But I know , if you strictly follow what I have said, you will get the benefit.     

               With love and all good wishes 

Yours affectionately 

Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay 

(Copy for perusal of Sri Bijay Singh , Jhumri Telaiya.)
ॐ ॐ ॐ 
Registered Office:
Bhuban Bhavan
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
11 March 1993
 Reference No : VYM/92-93/ 859

The Secretary,
Jhumri-Telaiya Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal.
Devi Mandap Road
Post - JhumriTelaiya 
Dist. Hazaribagh 
Bihar- 825 409.
Dear Sir, 
                      Received your report and accounts in connection with the programmes for the National Youth Day. In this respect a few points may be noted. You should go through the rules and regulations of the units of the Mahamandal and also the four-page printed instructions carefully and follow all guidelines. 
                The papers you have sent in the envelope are not pinned. There are three sheets loosely kept. This is not proper .In no report you have put the date. The general report is also not signed. On the body of every report and letter the instruction is to give the full address of the unit. This has not been followed . The general report is also not addressed to the Secretary, Akhil Bharat Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal. At the top of the general report , the period covered should also be indicated in every case. It is not clear to which period the report pertains.  
            However , I am happy that you have been conducting the activities regularly. Do you have any children's wing attached to your unit ? What is the number of members of the unit now? 
                    Sometime back it was reported that you have now a separate office of the Mahamandal.  You should also mention where the study circle is being held and how many attend the study circle. How many of your members are following the daily routine prescribed by the Mahamandal and whether any improvement is being noticed . These are certain points which should invariably be in the report sent.
               Only holding study circle is not enough. Every member should try to improve their life and character. Everybody should be polite and also take initiative in the activities without trying to throw oneself forward . Every member should read all the publications of the Mahamandal not once , but repeatedly . Unless members improve the quality of their life and behaviour , holding of study circles only will be of no avail. 
            Everyone should try to understand what Swamiji wanted to teach and his teachings should be imbibed by all those who work in organization   in the name of Swami Vivekananda. Envying others or being egoistic is detrimental to the formation of character. All pettiness of the mind should be crushed .
              Broadness of heart is what counts. Everyone should try to love every other person and make no difference  between man and man. Unless we learn these things , it will be hypocrisy to take the name of Swami Vivekananda .                   
             Specially those who run the unit should carefully and repeatedly read the book on 'Leadership' and follow the ideas wholly. Just being efficient or taking one or two instructions leaving others aside is no good. Hope, everyone should try to follow this advice. 
          With love and good wishes to all 

Yours ever in service
 Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay


ॐ ॐ ॐ श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (37-38) संयुक्ताक्षर को पढ़ना सीखो!" everyone like 'Kathamrita Path', bhajan , and Puja, But none of them will stay for the work of the Mahamandal.

ॐ ॐ ॐ 


Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
21 February 1993

कल्याणीय विजय, 

                       कैम्प से लेकर अभी तक विश्राम नहीं मिला। 10 दिनों से मैं सुन्दरबन में था। वहाँ ठाकुर जी का उत्सव मनाया जा रहा था। फिर 24 को बाहर जाने वाला हूँ। इस बार मैदान में [कोलकाता के शहीद मीनार मैदान में] मुझको ही हिन्दी में बोलना पड़ा।   

                     इसी दौरान रजत, जितेन्द्र सिंह, जानीबिगहा , फुलवरिया आदि की चिट्ठियाँ प्राप्त हुईं। झुमरी तिलैया में स्वामी जी की जयन्ती अच्छी तरह से मनाई गयी, जानकर हर्ष हुआ। इस आयोजन में अपने को पीछे रख लिए हो यह एक ओर से तो अच्छा है, लेकिन अब भी तुम्हारा सहयोग पूरी तरह से बना रहना चाहिये, और यदि कहीं जरूरत दिखे तो स्वयं आगे बढ़कर बुद्धि देना या करना भी चाहिये। 

                  तुम लोगों ने महामण्डल का जो ऑफिस लिया था, वहाँ पाठचक्र किस कारण से नहीं चल रहा है ? अमुक...... के घर पर होता है, सो अच्छा है। लेकिन अब, जबकि तुम चुप हो गए हो, तब भी तुम्हारे अहंकार पर उसका आक्रमण क्यों बन्द नहीं होता है? आत्मविश्लेषण का अर्थ तो एक-दूसरे पर आरोप करना नहीं है। परन्तु खुद अपना दोष-गुण का विचार करना है। 

                 जब तक किसी व्यक्ति का चरित्र सुन्दर रूप से गठित नहीं हो जाता , तब तक उसकी ईर्ष्या नहीं जायेगीजब कोई व्यक्ति 'मनुष्य' बन जाता है (चरित्रवान मनुष्य बन जाता है) तब वह दूसरों के छोटे से गुण को भी बड़ा बनाकर देखना सीख जाता है, और किसी के अवगुण को देखने वाली दृष्टि भी उसमें नहीं होती है। तुमने बहुत ही अच्छा आश्वासन उन्हें दिया है। अब वैसा करना भी चाहिए। 

          यह witness रहने वाली बात, कहाँ से तुम्हारे सर में घुस गयी (प्रविष्ट हो गयी)? ठाकुर जी को witness मानो और तुम उनकी कठपुतली की तरह काम करते रहो। आध्यात्मिक उन्नति होने के साथ साथ तो रस भी बढ़ता रहता है, नीरस क्यों हो जाओगे ? तुमने स्वामी जी की वह बात अवश्य सुनी होगी  -

 " सब से रसिये सब से बसिये सब का लीजिये नाम। 

              हाँ जी हाँ जी करते रहिये बैठिये अपने ठाम ॥”** 

- सभी के साथ आनन्द करो, सभी के साथ रहो, सभी का नाम लो, दूसरों की बातों में हाँ- हाँ करते रहो, किन्तु अपना भाव कभी मत छोड़ो ।
 "A little acting is necessary to protect ones own BHAVA" अपने भाव को सुरक्षित रखने के लिये मनुष्य को थोड़ा अभिनय (लीला ) करना अनिवार्य होता है !  क्योंकि यह दुनिया  जड़ और चेतन से मिलकर बनाई गयी है।
           जड़ (Matter) में भी सार-वस्तु (Pure consciousness) को देख लेना 'मनीषा' कही जाती है। इसीसे ज्ञान उत्पन्न होता है। अगर जड़ बिल्कुल नहीं रहता, तो ज्ञान (विवेकज ज्ञान) होना भी कभी सम्भव नहीं होता। ज्ञानी के द्वारा जड़  की उपेक्षा करना सम्भव नहीं होता। ठाकुर जी और स्वामी जी ने अपने जीवन में कभी वैसा नहीं किया है।
             [रामायण भी इसी तत्व पर, इसी दृष्टि पर खडी की गयी है। राम की बाललीला (बाल अभिनय) - राम आँगन में खेल रहे हैं- एक कौआ पास आता है – राम उसे धीरे से पकड़ना चाहते हैं – कौआ पीछे फुदक जाता है – अंत में राम थक जाते हैं’ उनको एक युक्ति सूझती है- मिठाई का एक टुकड़ा ले कर आगे बढाते हैं- कौआ कुछ नज़दीक आता है- प्रभु राम ईश्वर का दर्शन करते हैं। राम और कौए की यह पहचान मानो परमात्मा से परमात्मा की पहचान हो।]
             जो भी मनुष्य जगत में दृष्टिगोचर हो रहे हैं, सभी इसी ग्रह (Planet-पृथ्वी) पर जन्म लिए हैं, इसलिए सभी मनुष्य जड़त्व को त्यागकर प्रकाश स्वरुप बन सकते हैं। लेकिन, यह पतंजलि के योगसूत्र का विषय नहीं है। यह तो वेद और उपनिषद का विषय है। 
            और वास्तव में वेद में है- 
" नमो नमः स्तेनानां पतये नमो नमः नमः पुंजिष्ठेभ्यो, 

नमो निषादेभ्यः ब्रह्म दाशा ब्रह्म दासा ब्रह्मैवेमे कितवाः।" 

 (यजुर्वेद 16/20) अर्थात  उन डाकुओं के सरदारों को नमस्कारǃ उन क्रूरों को‚ उन हिंसकों को नमस्कारǃ ये ठग‚ ये दुष्ट‚ ये चोर‚ सब ब्रह्म ही हैं। इन सबको नमस्कारǃ’
             इसका अर्थ क्या? इसका अर्थ यह कि सरल अक्षर तो सीख गये‚ अब कठिन अक्षरों को भी सीखो। पहले स्थूल फिर सूक्ष्म, पहले सरल अक्षर फिर मिश्र यानि संयुक्ताक्षर को पढ़ना सीखो। 
[ इस प्रकार हर किसी में अमजद और स्वामी सारदानन्द दोनों में भगवान् को देखें , उसका साक्षात्कार करें, अहर्निश अभ्यास करके सारे विश्व को आत्मरूप देखना सीखें !] 
                तुम्हें यह बात सदैव याद रखनी चाहिए कि -"एतद्ब्रह्मवनं चैव ब्रह्माचरति नित्यशः।।" (शंकर भाष्य :गीता 15/1)  यह जो संसार रूपी जंगल है, यहाँ सदैव ब्रह्म ही विचरण कर रहे हैं। तो तुम किसी व्यक्ति को कैसे जड़ या अजीब कह सकोगे ?
            'क्रोध ***' के विषय पर एक लेख 'विवेक-जीवन' के शायद नवम्बर अंक के बंगला सम्पादकीय में प्रकाशित हुआ था। उसे पढ़ो और उसपर विचार करो। देखो क्रोध रहने से क्या क्या हो जाता है ! रामायण में सीता जी ने इस क्रोध के विषय में क्या कहा है। तुम बहुत ठीक हो, थोड़ा समझने में कभी कभी गड़-बड़ी हो जाती है। शान्त होकर इसी विषय पर चिंतन करने से सब ठीक हो जायेगा। (जगत को ब्रह्म समझकर इसके साथ व्यवहार करते समय कभी कभी थोड़ी गड़बड़ी हो जाती है।)
          [पंचेन्द्रियों के माध्यम से यह सब भूतों का आजीव्य* सनातन ब्रह्मवृक्ष दृष्टिगोचर हो रहा है, यही ब्रह्मवन है इसीमें ब्रह्म सदा रहता है। ऐसे ऊपर मूल और नीचे शाखा वाले इस मायामय संसारवृक्ष को-  अर्थात् महत्तत्त्व, अहंकार, तन्मात्रादि,  शाखा की भाँति जिसके नीचे हैं, ऐसे इस नीचे की ओर शाखावाले और कल तक भी न रहनेवाले इस क्षणभङ्गुर अश्वत्थ वृक्षको अव्यय कहते हैं। यह मायामय संसार अनादि कालसे चला आ रहा है। ऐसे इसी ब्रह्मवृक्ष का ज्ञानरूप श्रेष्ठ खड्ग द्वारा छेदन-भेदन करके और आत्मा में प्रीतिलाभ करके फिर वहाँ से नहीं लौटता इत्यादि। - गोपियों का जहां-जहां मन जाता था- पान में, पत्ते में, झाड़ियों में, फूलों में, लताओं में, तुलसी के पौधों में – सब जगह भगवान् कृष्ण को देखती थीं। जहाँ पर भी मन जाय वहीँ पर वही दिखते थे ।]
                जिनको नीच जाती कहते हैं, वैसा निर्बोध लोग ही कहते हैं ; वे भी सचमुच ब्रह्म ही हैं।  महामण्डल में तो अभी तुम पहले की अपेक्षा कम समय ही दे रहे हो। फिर यह कहना कि इसके कारण business में घाटे में चल रहा है - कैसे सही हो सकता है ? ठाकुर जी ने 'धर्म-व्याध' की जो कथा सुनाई थी, उसको यदि सदा स्मरण में रखोगे , तो देखोगे कैसे अद्वैत वेदान्त को लेकर संसार में चलना सम्भव होता 
            हाँ, यह ठीक है कि प्रारब्ध को थोड़ा भोग कर ही क्षय करना पड़ता है; किन्तु यदि सही तरिके से विवेक-प्रयोग करके सही काम किया जाय तो इसको बहुत हद तक कम करना भी सम्भव है। 
यह बिल्कुल सच है कि -" हम जैसा चाहें वैसा भाग्य बना सकते हैं ! "
        तुम जड़ कैसे बन जाओगे ? थोड़े ही तुम कोई जड़ पदार्थ हो ? तुम वास्तव में चैतन्य ही हो, इसे जान लेने के लिए ही तुम इस जन्म को (14.4. 92 के बाद फिर से ?) प्राप्त किये हो। इस बात को (सत्य को) कभी सन्देह के अँधेरे में नहीं डालना।
             पुरुषार्थ जब ईश्वर की कृपा के साथ संयुक्त हो जाता है, तब सबसे ज्यादा फलदायी बनता है। यथार्थ पुरुषार्थ ईश्वर की कृपा के विरुद्ध नहीं है। बल्कि उनकी कृपा को खींचता है। क्योंकि असल में ईश्वर की शक्ति ही पुरुषार्थ के रूप में हमें सभी कार्यों में सफलता प्रदान करती है। पुरुषार्थ और ईश्वर-कृपा दो चीजें नहीं हैं। वास्तव में दोनों एक ही सिक्के के दो पहलु हैं! 
  तुम्हारा कल्याण हो !  मेरी हिन्दी से समझ लिए न ? 


P.L.S. Give your full address in all your letters to help me in sending the reply immediately, as soon as written otherwise searching the address takes time. N.M. 
Registered Office:
Bhuban Bhavan
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
5 March 1993
 Reference No : VYM/92-93/ 852

My dear Vijay, 
                             Just a few days back I replied at length to your long four-page letter in Hindi. Then I received together two inland letters from you dated 27.2.93 - one in continuation of other. In my last letter I have tried to cover all the points you have made. Only today I received a letter from XYZ...... dated 25 February and have straight away sent a reply to him. Please enquire  if he receives my reply.
                       I note that you have completed translation of 'The World of Youth' . In this letter you have repeated some of the points of the last letter.
                      Why do you expect all to understand equally ? I have seen few people who understand Swamiji in the right spirit. It is quite natural that everyone will not understand him properly, nor the ideas of the Mahamandal .   
                     In this imperfect world we have to work with imperfect things and individuals. For, that is the work : try to make ourselves perfect. If you get everyone understanding things properly and every work going on smoothly without any any hurdles , then really there will remain very little need of any work ; for in that case we shall be living  in a perfect world. Why don't you see this simple fact ?  
                  If at the study circle others think that you do not allow them to speak, why do not concede and speak only when you are asked to do so ? It is quite natural that others will not spare time to copy your translation putting forward different pleas.  
                  How can you hold your annual general meeting on 28th March? It is a matter of common sense. The annual report up to 31st March and also the accounts up to the date. So, the annual general meeting can be held only after 31st March .Why do not go through the rules and regulations and the four-page printed instructions in these matters
               It seems nobody cares to go through them while working for the units. Your present Secretary (?) has also sent a report. But it is also defective in many ways. There is no date, there is no signature in one report, there is no address of the unit anywhere in the reports. Giving the address on the envelope is no good. All these are mentioned clearly in the circulars, but nobody cares to read them. 
                     Some people should be dull headed. If the dull headed people want to continue in the Mahamandal  how can you throw them out , you cannot expect everybody equally understand also . 
             Everybody will not take your advice and read the booklets, but you should go on requesting them in a pleasant manner year after year through they do not heed. This is the way of working for good cause
                It seems , you talk in the vein of an extremist . There is one thing called the middle path or the "Path of least resistance" . The same is the prescription of Buddha and Swami Vivekananda. Try to follow them and not follow your own judgment all the time. 

                  ' Either you should take the Whole charge or you should be expelled from the organization' --is not a sound proposal. This is what I am calling extremism. Always do not take the harshest decision. You have to take everyone along and see that others also like to take you along them. Unless you can do it, you are not working in the proper line. 
                    You should be very cautious about losing temper and hurling angry words out of your mouth. You have to do it any cost. Otherwise your understanding will be of no use .
                     It is no wonder that everyone would like 'Kathamrita Path', bhajan , and Puja . That is what people want. If you do it more frequently, you will get a large number of people. But none of them will stay for the work of the Mahamandal. I have seen enough of such people for a long time. 
             Threatening boys to collect funds , saying that if they fail , somebody would resign , is not all a good policy. That is why Satish could utilize the situation to ask XYZ...... to resign and not withdraw his resignation. 

                 Keeping your ego suppressed , broadening your heart sufficiently with sincere love for everyone , and with proper understanding of Swamiji's ideas, if you work; nothing will impede your march. Whenever you fail , try to find the defect in your decision or utterance or action. 
        And if you are sincere, you will be able to find it and when you remove it, everything will be smooth. Don't try to put into practice  lofty ideals of Vedanta or thoughts of big Shastras. That is where you are creating confusion in your mind. Take simple advice of Swamiji and go on working. You will find there is no trouble.  
                 Keep big ideas in the pigeon-hole for some time, Make some progress with simple ideas and then try to grasp the bigger ones . 

        When you find something that is not good, you should certainly bring it to the notice of others. But that you should do politely and explaining the danger it would bring. That should not be done in a harsh way.
                You need not work like Lord Krishna .That is big thing. Try to work as a good worker. 

         Nobody should try to fight hard to gain confidence of other people. One should work hard for the cause and if his work is sincere , naturally confidence of other people will arise . 
         Let people cut jokes , but one should not do anything that will be a handle, which others can catch, and make fun of him. Here, it seems , both you and XYZ.... are committing mistakes
                     With love and good wishes 
Yours affectionately

 Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay
Sri Vijay Singh
Tara Plastics
Post Box No. 62
Hazaribag -825 409