शुक्रवार, 28 फ़रवरी 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (41-42) ॐ ॐ ॐ " We hypnotize ourselves and not the world"

Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
4 August 1993
 Reference No : VYM/93-94/ 239

My dear Sanjeev,

                                        I received your letter dated 9th July a few days back.As you know , for a few years , I am not keeping good health. Recently , some eight youth camps were held in different places one after another and I had to be in all these camps. 
             Then, I am extremely busy with the preparation for the 'Centenary celebration of the Chicago Parliament of Religions' and often I have to work past mid-night and even up to the early hours of the next morning.  
               A huge number of letters and from almost every member of the study circles that you have in your neighbourhood are lying unreplied. You can explain that it is difficult for me to write to every member everywhere giving guidelines again and again.  
                 the 'Punya-Tithi' of Swami Vivekananda is not 4th of July, but 12th of January . It is not necessary to observe 4th of July. If you have any contact with boys of Basaria , Janibigha, etc., tell them not to be sorry that I am not being able at the moment to reply to every letter that they are sending. 

                हिन्दी में स्वनाम धन्य राजनितिक नेताओं की मरण वाली तीथि को पुण्य तीथि कहा जाता है , किन्तु  मानवजाति के मार्गदर्शक नेताओं की (जीवनमुक्त शिक्षकों या अवतारों की) जन्म तीथि ही मनाई जाती है। Mahamandal Leadership is with capital 'L' - Love ! }   
                 About questions , perhaps I told you in my previous letter , first you should try to find out the answer yourself or talk to the elders in the unit there. Only when you do not find a satisfactory reply to any serious question , and if you feel urgency , you may ask such question
                  In the Mahamandal , you are to follow the methods suggested by the Mahamandal and you need not to bother your head with Patanjali and other experts in the line. If you do that , it will create more confusion.
           All that is necessary for Mental Concentration, are discussed thoroughly and clearly in a very simple language in the book on the subject published by the Mahamandal .You forget the terms - 'Yama, Niyama, Asana ' etc. You follow the Mahamandal book carefully and you will get the result.  
               Then the particular question that you have put, the answer is very simple. If you are to go up to the first floor of a building, do you skip a few steps and climb up ? How can you overlook the need of Purity, Self-restraint, etc. (which are the essence of Yama , Niyama, etc.) and sit in an Asana to have concentration of the mind.  
             There is no question of fear of a fall. The point is , unless you have Self-control and Purity , your attempt to concentrate the mind will not yield sufficient result. Can you build a building without a foundation ? Purity, Restraint, self-control etc. are the foundation . Only upon that you may build the edifice of Mind-control 
             I can answer your questions only about the Mahamandal. How can I advise you anything about your connection with the Ramakrishna Mission ? We have nothing to say in this regard . 
              As I have told you already , I have very little time to write letters and at mid-night I cannot expect anybody to take a dictation. So, sometimes I have to write letters by hand.  
              It is not possible to send all letters duly typed. In that case , there should be a big office, a few typewriters and at least half a dozen person who can dictate letters. That is not our case; you can easily understand.

          With Love 

 Yours affectionately 

Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay 

Sri Sanjeev Singh 

C/o Sri Ramlakhan Singh 
Bihar State Electricity Board
Dist. Hazaribagh
Bihar- 825 409
Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
8  November 1993
 Reference No : VYM/

My dear Bijoy, 
                         On the occasion of Vijaya Dashmi  my blessings go to you, Convey my love and good wishes to all there

             I was glad to get your letter dated 1st November and to read your mind to some extent (.... ???). My habit is to say exactly what comes to my mind without caring for the possible reaction .

                  I believe the Truth comes to the mind when there is no ostentation.(ऑस्टेनटेशन-अकड़, शेखी या आडम्बर) I also believe Truth does good to man

                   It is not enough to understand the ' Inspired Talks ', but you must understand Swamiji. His voice is clear everywhere , not only in the 'Seven Island Park'.

                  I have seldom found a responsible man and the measure of the sense of responsibility is the measure of the man, it seems to me. 

                  In this organisation Swami ji is working all the time all these years. Pray  to Thakur ji to remove your 'aham'. He did it for me unasked.  If you ask He will certainly do it for you also. He does not indulge in favouring a few

                 Patience is the most important quality. The world is not imaginary. It has Objective Reality.  It is not hypnotic. 
                Only we do not know how to make use of it and create trouble for us. We hypnotize ourselves and not the world. You have to remove your Hypnotizing Spectacles, and you will see the world so benign
                   The five day programme of the 'Centenary of Chicago Parliament of Religion' went of very well. Then we had a Parliament of Religions in Orissa

                  Thereafter there was Madhya Pradesh State Level Youth Training Camp. Then there was Durga Puja at home. The condition of my health is very bad. The All India Youth Training Camp' is also coming. Towards the end of this month a State Level Camp will be held in Orissa.           
          Have faith in yourself आत्मविश्वास  . Never feel diffident (शंकालु) 
. Truth is simple and clear like day light. Open the eye and you can see.  Have the reins of your mind in Your hands ! 
 Yours affectionately 

Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay 

 P.S. In all letters give your full address invariably
{डिफिडेन्ट : संशयी, diffidence : आत्मसंशय- कभी 'तत्' और 'त्वम्' फ़र्क महसूस मत करो: 'तत्वमसि श्वेतकेतु' !}


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