शनिवार, 29 फ़रवरी 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (43 -44) world is neither cruel nor benign. It is what we make it. " बीर अधीर न होंहि "

ॐ ॐ ॐ 
Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
16 December 1993
 Reference No : VYM/

My dear Bijay,
                           Perhaps you do not know, for some time I am in very bad state of health.  
                        Yet after the five day programme in Calcutta to celebrate the centenary of the Chicago Parliament I had to go to Orissa for another Parliament , then to Madhya Pradesh for state level camp. And then again to Orissa for the state level camp and the Golden Jubilee of Utkal University. 
                      Immediately on my return I had to be out in connection with the death of a relative. Only yesterday I came back and in the meantime the postal strike was also going on . 
                 So this is the earliest I could reply to your letter dated 22 November which brought the very bad newsNow also we are in the thick of the ensuing all India Camp. Hope you will come there and we shall have an opportunity to talk in details. 
                To live in the world we must retain our Aham. Did not Thakur shed tears on many occasions when he heard  some death news etc.? The country has gone to dogs. Violence , kidnapping, extortion and things like that are everyday affairs. There is no government or administration anywhere .Only there are politicians and there is the farce of democracy and elections.
               Religion has vanished and it is being used for political gains. Hard atheists are also taking the name of Swami Vivekananda and even of Sri Ramakrishna at times , but just to cheat people.  
                     So you found some honest Police Officers in Lalu's Bihar ! What can be more astonishing ? But such an incident is not enough cause to say good-by to this rotten world. It has to be improved. That is why Thakur, Ma and Swamiji came
The world is to give you blows , did you not read in Swamiji ? The world is neither cruel nor benign. It is what we make it. Be not a ball at the feet of the world. If you are not, it will not kick you any more
                          Did the Police do anything sincerely ? That is what is necessary. They must be able to find some clue. What are they for then, if they cannot do it ? I can understand the condition of your sister and bother-in-law and also your own condition. 
                      But only you can move following the normal channels of crime detection. There are now private detectives everywhere . The Government agencies failing, you have to engage  them. They are far more efficient than any Government agencies .Did you try that ? 
                 Advice your sister in the matter . At least they will be able to give some clue, if they cannot find the boy. They will not say , nothing can be done, as your honest Government or the honest Police say
                It is true that all power is in you.But that does not mean that you will bring out the boy. You will remain calm for proper action. Take the action I suggested.
                    At the moment you have lost the chain of arguments and that is you ask, what shall I do for Bihar with the Mahamandal ? If you cannot cure the diabolic (पैशाचिक) , you can minimize their number,  by making more men of the right type
                        The shirker (शर्कर-कायर, युद्ध के समय पीठ दिखाने वाला।) 
 says, everything is being done by God to escape from his duty. It is good for sadhus to say so and relax. It is not for the man in the society.
                   You are talking in the vein Arjuna talks to Krishna on the battle field.It does not behove you. Weep if you can, but do not be emotional .That robs you of your power
                  Why , you can also pray to Thakur for help. Why do you look at your family as yours only ? Meditation is difficult . What helps is contemplation. Attempt to meditate is only to calm the mind and not to find the solution
        Who are you to allow the body to die? It will die when its work is finished. Don't hurry.  

 " बीर अधीर न होंहि "-  'Hey hero! Do not be impatient !'

- हे वीर! अधीर मत हो!"  - श्री तुलसीदास‎ गोस्वामी जी महाराज। 
(‎श्रीरामचरितमानस‎ > ‎अयोध्या कांड)
    With blessings for your all round welfare   

          Yours affectionately 

Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay

My dear Bijoy,
                         Did you get any information about your nephew? I am so worried. I send a paper cutting on the subject. If you think necessary, you may write to the paper about your case. Such things should get much publicity. 
                 Hope after things alright, We have got a letter from the unit. Biren is to reply on the subject. 

    With love,

          Yours affectionately 


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