शुक्रवार, 21 फ़रवरी 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (13-14) " Swamiji's work means Thakur's work"

Registered Office:
Bhuban Bhavan
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
16 May 1990
 Reference No : VYM/90-91/112 
My dear Bijoy,
                            Received your reports etc. under no.1/(90-91) dated 24. 4. 90. I am very glad to learn that things are gradually taking shape and people are taking interest in the work more and more as time passes.
                 I am exceedingly glad that you have in the meantime raised some more funds and sent another Rs. 2000/- as your second installment towards the building fund of the Mahamandal. A  receipt for the same bearing no. D 3716 dated 3.5.90 is enclosed. Enclosed also find a notice for the next 'Organizers Training Camp' to be held on 9th and 10th June. 
           The project of having a building for the Mahamandal is gradually taking a concrete shape. The offer about which I spoke to you at Ranchi did not materialize as its cost would have a total expenditure which we could not afford. Anyway, the offer to gift that building is still open. In the meantime somebody has donated some land to the Mahamandal and the registration is also complete. 

             If we can raise a total of about Rs. 5 Lakhs , we can have a new building according to our plan which will serve the purpose of holding OTC and 'Vivek-Vahini' camp and other smaller periodical get togathers .It will also have enough space for office accommodation and a godown which are badly needed now. 
                  There is a third offer where if we can purchase a piece of land , a concern is willing to build a house for us. So, without taking any hurried decision, we are collecting some more concrete information upon which we will finally decide which of three offers will be best for the Mahamandal.

            We have already Rs. 1.5 Lakhs in our fund and we are striving hard to collect another 3/4 Lakhs as early as possible so that the Mahamandal can have building of its own which will really serve the purpose of its present pressing needs. 
                 in the meantime , Shri Krishna ji came to Calcutta and talked to me on phone and wanted to meet me in the City Office to discuss about the State level Camp. Unfortunately , he did not come in the evening . We were about to suggest 15 th to 18 th September. 
                 But in the meantime I heard  from him that tentatively you have fixed 2nd and 4th November. I think , this will be better as I will be in Orissa from 11th September and it may be difficult for me to come back before 18th. So, from our side we can say , if the date suit you, you can fix 2nd to 4th November for your State -level Camp and go ahead
With love and good wishes  

yours affectionately

Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay 
Enclo : 1. Receipt 
           2. Notice


Registered Office:

Bhuban Bhavan

P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan

Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
29 August 1990
 Reference No : VYM/90-91/313 

My dear Bijay , 
                             I just received your letter dated 24 August sent through courier service. I am glad to know that you are progressing well regarding the camp. We have to contact Uttam Azimganj, Biren and Swapan Panda , before we can confirm whether they will be available. 
                Letters nowadays take a long time, So, it is better that you contact the Sadhus for their participation in the camp direct. As soon as we can finalize the names of persons going for the camp from here , we would let you know the names for your information and arrangement for railway tickets for the return journey.  
                        I think , it will be better if you have your own badges and banners or festoons for the camp. A few scarfs may be taken from here. I think , you will suitably arrange to take books etc. for the stall in the camp. I have not so far received any letter from anyone there except one from a young boy who has recently joined your study circle and asked a few questions.  In my reply to his letter I gave an address for passing on .......whether you got it ? 

           Anyway, you send the camp papers to the following address mentioning in the covering letter that you are are connecting them as instructed by me :
 Dr. Ramji Singh, 
Professor and Head of the Department of Gandhian Thought ,
 Bhagalpur University, 
Bhagalpur- 812 007. 
On the last occasion also I gave some addresses of Bihar for contacting for the purpose of the camp.
                  I am glad to know that you have a better control over your mind now. I have taken note of all other information conveyed in your letter. There is no doubt that the work of the Mahamandal is Swamiji's work and you know for certain that Swamiji's work means Thakur's work. 
             If you read the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Viekananda , you will clearly know the relation between 'Atma Shraddha' 'Smarnagati', and 'Ishvar Kripa'. 

                If you think there is any value in it , blessings are always there for your all round progress and achievements

            With love 
Yours affectionately

Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay 

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