गुरुवार, 20 फ़रवरी 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (11-12) "Make only one Vow that so long as we live, we shall never give up striving for this great cause " [प्रतिज्ञा]

post card 
 My dear Vijay, 
                       On my return from the tour yesterday I got your letter and the enclosure .I think in my last letter I informed you that we will take Doon Express 9 up on 25 th and reach Koderma on 26 th (saturday) in the early morning. Sapan Panda is also coming with us. 
                 Your this letter also came as a bearing one with many papers with 60 paise stamp only. Take care in future .
With  love 
yours affectionately
P.S. Hope you have booked return tickets for no 4 persons so that we may reach Calcutta on 28th .
Registered Office:
Bhuban Bhavan
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
15 November 1989
Reference No : VYM/89-90/599

My dear Bijoy, 
                     I am exceedingly glad to get your letter dated 4 November. I am sorry , I reply in English only to save some time as there is a lot of letters to be replied. You will gradually come to realize more and more that it is really Swamiji's own work and his power has been taking it along on every step. If he leaves his hand , even mightiest efforts by us will not make things move. 
             So, it is very good that you have now more or less a good office and place for holding your study circle. Never lose heart; difficulties will come and we shall overcome them if we are sincere and doggedly (दृढ़निश्चय के साथ) stick to our resolutions to work out the ideas of Swami Vivekananda .

            We have to make only one vow that so long as we live, we shall never give up striving for this great cause, which only can bring about real change in the condition of our society.  Indeed the cooperation and the moral support of Sri Krishna Singh Ji and Sri Ram Bilas Kevat ji are commendable. Whoever offers his mite for this cause, will be taken care of by the blessings of Swami Vivekananda .It is good that fresh boys are also taking interest in the study circle and be sure, more will come
             You have done right by suggesting that at least the Executive Committee members should study the life of Swami Vivekananda and attend the Mahamandal camps. If there are dedicated souls , be sure , they will work wonders in course of time. Number does not count , it is the zeal and sincerity which work . 
                 Yes, the vision becomes clear day by day and one gets the ultimate aim for achieving at the end. Who am I to bless you ? But if you crave (लालसा) for it know for certain , it is always there in abundance and gradually your kind will become purer and purer. 
           We had to wait for the declaration of the final day of the general election. As soon as the date was declared, we took the final decision to hold the annual camp from 25 to 30 December and you must be knowing that the venue was already fixed. It is Deshbandhu High School , Beleghata , Calcutta. 

                 Immediately we started sending camp forms along with the October issue of 'Vivek-Jivan ' , as almost nobody responded to the notice given in the September issue of 'Vivek-Jivan'. 
Interested participants were asked to send self-addressed and stamped envelops to get the camp forms. 

               Anyway , by separate mail also a number of copies of camp form have already been dispatched to you. Hope, you have received them in the meantime. Anyway, I am just enclosing one camp form your ready reference.  

       With love and all good wishes 
Yours affectionately
Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay 

   Enclo: Camp form. 

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