रविवार, 1 मार्च 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (47 -48) : This life is for work hard to usher in the great future.

Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
28 October 1994  
 Reference No : VYM/

My dear Bijoy, 
                                        My love and blessings to you all on the occasion of Dussehra. Your letter and report dated 20th Oct have been received. Glad to know that  during Durga Puja a lot of books were sold. Try to print Mahamandal publication in Hindi as far as possible. 
               I am writing this with difficulty. I cannot write many letters now. But If Upendra Singh (Janibigha) writes to me . I will reply. It is not possible for me to initiate correspondence and advice to start a study circle. 
           Let them come to the All India camp. Make copies of the camp form and circulate them as widely as possible. Hope you have already got the forms in the meantime. 
                      As regards the account for the State level Camp, the expenditure for 'Health and Sanitation' appears to be very high. What is the reason
                       Permanent assets should not have been made from the camp accounts, Without approval of the Camp Committee and the Central Organisation . What are you going to do with the surplus money? Previously this was given to the Central Organisation, You should consider this 
               About your personal things - I am writing the letter myself only because of these- I will tell you that it seems you have not yet digested Thakur and Swamiji's message. That is why again and again you talk of - 'संसार स्वप्नवत।

                Samsara is very much real according to their teachings which has corroboration in the Shastras also. Thakur once ridiculed a Sannyasin at Dakshineswar who said-" Samsara is maya" . If you also really feel depressed you should consult a doctor. I know medicines can work wonder in such cases. but if this is not the case .... Be practical. Remember what Swamiji said - " If you want to learn Chemistry you must go to a laboratory"***   
                   Thakur asked us to lead worldly life like player in a drama . We are to do that . Escapism is no answer . Thakur assured the Holy Mother that if she wanted the world He would live just like a common house-holder with children etc. 
     Remember these things. You must marry  your daughter befettingly. That is the duty of a father. You cannot avoid it. Thakur gave the example of women  of the carpenter family selling flattened rice.  How alert she was while doing her business ?
                   ["The pestle of the husking-machine that flattens the paddy constantly falls into the hole of the mortar. The woman turns the paddy in the hole with one hand and with the other holds her baby on her lap as she nurses it.
            In the mean time customers arrive. The machine goes on pounding the paddy, and she carries on her bargains with the customers. She says to them, ‘Pay the few rupee you owe me before you take anything more.’
                You see, she has all these things to do at the same time — nurse the baby, turn the paddy as the pestle pounds it, take the flattened rice out of the hole and talk to the buyers. This is called the yoga of practice.
               Fifteen parts of her mind out of sixteen are fixed on the pestle of the husking-machine, lest it should pound her hand. With only one part of her mind she nurses the baby and talks to the buyers. 
                 Likewise, he who leads the life of a householder should devote fifteen part of his mind to God; otherwise he will face ruin and fall into the clutches of Death. He should perform the duties of the world with only one part of his mind.
(courtesy The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna -Thursday, December 27, 1883)] 
             In financial matters there are sometimes ups and downs .You should swim on the waves . In business you cannot always be absolutely truthful. That is why the Sanskrit term of Business is,' सत्यानृत'- "truth and untruth combined" .
(‘सत्यानृतं तु वाणिज्यम्’- मनु ने सत्यासत्य को-अर्थात सत्य और असत्य संयुक्त को वाणिज्य माना हैसरल अक्षरों को पढ़ना सीख जाने के बाद संयुक्त अक्षर को भी पढ़ने का अवसर मिलता है !) 
For livelihood that is not अधर्म। Best burrito does not help here. You need not ask for anything of Ma or Thakur.  Ask for ज्ञान and धर्म  What is needed for family life you can have them by पुरुषकार ***  
                      Rajat appeared to be quite well he knows his medicine. Ask him to take them if necessary. Depression should not be allowed to continue.     
                Mahamandal cannot spread quickly. It has to be slow. That is good. Not only there , everywhere youths are going crazy with often seen a tendency .This is a worldwide phenomenon . That is why if you have marked , during the camp there I was studying a big volume on Abnormal Psychology.
                  I see a very bright fortune for India and gradually for the world. This will come after Laloo's, Jyoti Basu's , Narsimha Rao's ,Biju's are gone They will not easily go, but they have to , When the new generation rises.
                 Don't be with that poet to see everything in this life. This life is for work hard to usher in the great future. 

             May Thakur protect you. 
Yours loving 


P.S. While returning from Jhumri Telaiya we were troubled at the station got into a wrong compartment .It was zam pact .We had to stand in the thick with bags in hand. After several attempts only at 1.30 am we reach to the right compartment . Where our berths were occupied by others. There was no TTE. After much persuasion we got berths late 2 am. 

Bhuban Bhavan,
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan.
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
10 November 1994
 Reference No : VYM/


                                    I think you have received my reply to your last letter with which you sent the report of the State Camp. Hope things are going on well there and you all working hard in hand with heart. 

                          I hope you will attend the All India Camp with a large contingent. This year again at Panskura. You have certainly got the camp forms and distributed them widely.                      
            This is to remind you that you have to take the task especially to render into Hindi the 'Evening Talks' at the Camp that will be given in Bengali. You are very good in that as we have seen many times. 

                        Here it is difficult to get Hindi Speakers and particularly on the inaugural day, having coincide with the birthday of the Holy Mother, Sadhus may not be available for the day. 

                      About a Hindi Speaker at the inaugural meeting, I am thinking of Jitendra Singh , so tell him about it. He will speak 15 minutes.
               He may speak on Swami Vivekananda as understood and taken up by the Mahamandal --that is man-making aspect of his teaching without which there cannot come any change in the society today. Where morality have been devalued and Patriotism has been forgotten, where self-interest predominates the general good of the masses .                   
            Reply to this letter as early as possible so that I can finalize the program soon. My health condition is not at all good. I am not even going to City Office. But I  have to work hard at home arranging everything on phone and by writing letters

           Hoping that everything is fine about you and your family .

            With love and blessings -
Yours affectionately 



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