रविवार, 23 फ़रवरी 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (25-26)'Easy spread of the work cannot be expected'

Registered Office:
Bhuban Bhavan
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
27 November 1991  
Reference No : VYM/91-92/ 586 

My dear Jitendra, 
                                Received your letter and noted the contents. I was told that you were translating the whole book, see how far you can do. 
                               It is good that from Jhumri Telaiya and Phulwariya a good number of youths will participate in the annual camp. I am sure you will personally come along with Bijay and others. 
                       The work that the Mahamandal has taken up is tough indeed. Easy success and spread of the work cannot be expected. Continues hard labour is necessary. Then some result will follow. If we do not take sufficient pains, ultimately things will go worse .Therefore , there is no alternative to working hard for what absolutely necessary and urgent for our country.  
                         I am happy to know that Sarada Nari Sangathan is continuing its study circle. Ask them to send reports at least every 2/3 months. The Sarada Nari Sangathan also is having its annual camp and one OTC every year for the last 3/4 years. This year both are over. Next time I have asked its Secretary to intimate about such camps to the Sarada Nari Sangathan at Jhumri Telaiya.
                      This year up till now we have not found anybody to speak in Hindi at the inaugural function of the camp. So, I have intimated Bijay over phone so that someone amongst you may be ready to speak at the inaugural meeting in Hindi for a short time. Someone amongst you may be asked to do so if in the meantime we do not find any suitable speaker.  
         With love to you all 

Yours affectionately

Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay 

Sri Jitendra Singh 
Bank of India 
Vill. & P.O Navalsahi 
Dist . Hazaribagh


Registered Office:
Bhuban Bhavan
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
My dear Vijay, 
                           Received your letter dated. 8.11.91 . Now the portion from the book which has to be given in the Cassette is urgently required . Rest may be done leisurely. 
                     XYZ's father wrote a letter and I have replied. Hope , a large number from Jhumri Tilaiya will join the camp. 
           With love to you all 
                                                                     -- Nabanida 

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