शनिवार, 22 फ़रवरी 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (21-22) 'It is very difficult to mould elderly people'

Registered Office:
Bhuban Bhavan
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
18 July 1991 
  Reference No : VYM/91-92/225  

My dear Bijay, 
                            I just received your letter dated 11 July and go through it to come to know all that has happened  since the last State -level camp. I don't think there is anything to worry ; for problems will always be there and we have to face them boldly at the same time calmly and overcome them. That is what is to be learnt.  
                           Everyone who builds his life properly , will be able to handle any untoward situation with correct decision and firmness. Though every action has to conduce to the progress of the work leading to the goal set forth. I hope, Pramod will come to your help to settle the matter about the resignation.  
                    I am happy to learn that Kewat Ji and Satish are taking good interest in the work and there are other young people who are also enthusiastic. It will be very fine of 'Leadership' in Hindi comes out before the next All-India Camp. 
                     Occasional celebrations may of course be necessary and on some such occasions a small drama by children may be enjoyable, but to spread the work of the Mahamandal through drama and celebrations is not sound proposal. All methods of work have been examined for long years in Mahamandal and ultimately its method of working has taken a shape which for the good of the organization should not be altered arbitrarily to make new experiments 
                     We should devote more time to mould and enthuse young members rather than older people, though some of them may be very useful. It is very difficult to give a new mould to the thinking of elderly people and it is no use wasting time over such attempts.  
                     It is better to work harder for young people so that they can form correct notions about things and are able to analyse objective situations and understand clearly the correctness of the diagnosis and remedies offered by Swami Vivekananda so that with conviction of purpose they may work relentlessly for translating Swamiji's ideas into action for their own benefit and for the good of the society at large .
                         It is good that some boys from Moriyavaan village (D.Pandit of Janibigha.) are attending your study circle. Give as much time for them as possible. Why not go to their village to start a study circle ? Why wait for others to come for aid ? You should be prepared to do things alone and if somebody comes to help you, welcome it .It is really unfortunate that Jitendra with all his good qualities of head and heart wants to part away .  
                   It is indeed heartening that the study circle of 'Sarada Nari Sangathan' is going on and the members are taking interest in it. The best thing will be , if you ask them to write to me direct so that I can post them with all necessary information. Actually , from 20th to 22nd July a camp for women is being held under the aegis of the Sarada Nari Sangathan. There is hardly any time left , otherwise a few of them could have come and joined this camp. It will be held in the premises of Vivekananda  Student's  Home  run by Balibhara Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal , near Naihati. Last Sunday , there was a day-long discussion arranged by a unit of the Mahamandal in Hooghly  District where girl members of Sarda Nari Sangathan from three nearby areas had a special meeting for about one and half hours. Nearly 100 women participated in it.   
                   I am happy to know about things at your home and that both your son and daughter have been admitted in colleges. 
              I talked to Pranab . He told me that he had already asked you to write to President Maharaj with the request to initiate your children . In such cases , it is the usual way to approach. They will send the forms to you and later on will give the dates etc. This cannot be arranged from here unless you send an application direct. 
                   Yes, that is the only thing that you can do. You can only pray for your father and other good members of your family. 
            With love 

Yours affectionately

Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay 

Sri Bijay Kumar Singh
Jhumritelaiya -825 409
Dist. Hazaribag

Registered Office:
Bhuban Bhavan
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
27 August 1991
कल्याणीय विजय , 
                       तुम्हारे 15 अगस्त के पत्र को पाकर परम् हर्ष हो रहा है। प्रमोद , साधुलोग और बादल भी झुमरीतिलैया में आये और जो जो हुए हैं - {'तारा निकेतन ' में तात्कालीन राँची रामकृष्ण मिशन आश्रम, मोराबादी के सचिव वेंकट महाराज (स्वामी आत्मविदानन्द) तथा टुपुदाना आश्रम के सचिव के साथ अन्य तीन साधु , नाम प्रमोद दा को पता होगा; आये थे और घर के पूजाघर में ठाकुर, माँ, स्वामीजी की छवि की स्थापना तथा श्री रामकृष्ण वचनामृत से पाठ आदि जो जो आयोजन हुए हैं। } सब जानकर विशेष प्रसन्नता प्राप्त किया। तुमलोग महा भाग्यवान हो। 
                  पहले भी कहा था कि जीवन में सहनशीलता की जरूरत सबसे अधिक होती है, विशेष रूप से संघ में। या संसार में भी (गृहस्थ जीवन में भी), कितनी क्लीवता को मुझको बर्दास्त करना पड़ता है जिसकी कल्पना करना भी तुम्हारे लिए कठिन होगा। 
               जीतेन्द्र पूर्व की तरह फिर से लौट आया और काम में लगता है जानकर मुझे ख़ुशी होती है।  महामण्डल का नया ऑफिस हर रोज खुला रहता है और पुस्तकालय भी शुरू होने वाला है जानते हुए ख़ुशी होती है। 
               मोरियावां गाँव के लड़के के लिए आर्थिक सहायता जहाँ तक सम्भव हो सके जरूर करोगे। वैसे किसी लड़के के लिए कुछ करने से भविष्य में बहुत बड़ा काम होता है, तुम्हें यह बाद में मालूम होगा।
              सारदा नारी संगठन की एक OTC 1- 2 अक्टूबर को होने वाली है। शायद कलकत्ता में होगी। एक notice भेजी जाएगी।  अगर कोई (?) आ सकती है तो अच्छा होगा। उनसे कोई पत्र अभी तक नहीं मिला।             
   महामण्डल के आदर्श और उद्देश्य के अनुसार-- जो कुछ भी कार्य चलता हो, (चाहे जितना भी नगण्य काम क्यों न हुआ हो) रिपोर्ट नियमित रूप से आनी चाहिये। व्यक्तिगत पत्र की बात दूसरी है। लेकिन कोई खास ज्यादा काम नहीं हुआ, इस कारण के लिए बहुत दिन तक बिल्कुल चुपचाप रहना -बहुत ठीक नहीं मालूम पड़ता है। 
                 आशा है कि घर के सब अच्छे हैं।  
             ठाकुर-माँ -स्वामीजी के आशीर्वाद से तुमलोगों का सार्विक मंगल हो यही मेरा प्रार्थना है। 
श्रीनवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय  


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