शनिवार, 22 फ़रवरी 2020

श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय के पत्र : (17-18)'Depend on yourself'

Registered Office:
Bhuban Bhavan
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
13 February 1991
 Reference No : VYM/90-91/776 

My dear Vijay, 
                           Your letter dated 10 February is just received. It is noted that have shifted the date for the Bihar State-level camp in consultation with Pramod {Sri Pramod Ranjan Das, Ranchi). But it should have occurred to you that our convenience and confirmation are also important .Dates were fixed after consultation with all concerned and you should have sought your consent before changing it. Anyway, we shall try to accommodate. 
                           it is noted that you are bringing out a souvenir on the occasion. You may take any of my articles from any publication or 'Vivek-Jivan' if you like. You may translate into Hindi or give it in English as you please. I don't think any message is necessry.  
                       It is good that you have translated the book on 'Leadership', but immediately I don't think it will be possible for me to go through the whole thing for necessary correction. You should depend on yourself and correct it as far as possible. I have no objection in printing it in Hindi. But one suggestion in this connection. Why not print it as a booklet instead of printing it in a souvenir
                        Circulation of souvenir will certainly be limited, but if printed as a booklet (say 500 copies), after your camp that Hindi booklet can be of use in other places also and I think that will do some good. If you fix any price for the souvenir , you may even give this booklet free to everyone who purchase the souvenir. You may think on this suggestion and take the final decision as you think best. I cannot give more time for this at the moment .   
                      Sending blocks by post is a difficult job and would cost a lot also. God knows what time the parcel may take to go. Moreover, we don't have spare blocks. Printing of so many things are going on. If you think necessary , you may make at least one block of Swami Vivekananda . The symbol block you may take from Ranchi which will be easier than to obtain one from here. 
                       I am happy to learn that some of the boys are taking greater interest in the work of the Mahamandal now.
                      Two things are not clear to me. You have asked how to print page no. 16. What do you mean actually ? page no. 16 of the booklet or of the translation ? Do you ask about the heading of the section ? If it is so, you may think of putting the word 'Ban-ne-wale ' in place of 'Sambhavit' . But I leave the whole thing to your judgment. Do as you think best in the whole matter. I belive , the translation also will be up to the mark.  
                       The second point in, your letter that I could not follow correctly is your query - " मैं चाहता हूँ कि स्मारिका ऐसा बने जिससे नई जगह पर जब कोई पाठचक्र खुले तो सिर्फ स्मारिका को ही सामने रखकर पाठचक्र प्रारम्भ हो जाये। " If you mean that you want to make the souvenir in such a way that it will help people in starting study circles in different places, the souvenir may serve the purpose with all materials? If that is your query , you may certainly do so. Don't worry about permission. Any material published by the Mahamandal , you may make use of to include in your souvenir. Only if you make the booklet on 'Leadership' like a supplement to the souvenir it will serve the double purpose as metioned above.  
                        All here are doing well and we are constantly on the move from place to place. I don't know if you had done anything wrong during the annual camp. So. there is no question of pardoning you for no faults that you committed.  
                        About the person who can attend the camp , as you know , it will take some time to contact everyone and to ascertain their convenience etc. As soon as I get the confirmations, I shall let you know. But in the meantime let us know the train we should take for our journey from here and also the date and train timing  by which we may return. This you should talk in every case, otherwise it becomes difficult to ascertain our conveniences. 
               It is good that your study circle is continuing at two places now. I am happy to know that all in your family are doing well. 
                   Please let me know if you have a copy of the translation or we have to return it immediately .

       With love 
yours affectionately
Nabaniharan Mukhopadhyay 

Sri Bijoy Singh 
Jhumri Telaiya Vivekananda Yuva Mahamandal 
P.O. Jhumri Telaiya
P.O. Box No. 62 
Dist. Hazaribag

Bihar -825 409. 

Registered Office:
Bhuban Bhavan
P.O. Balaram Dharma Sopan
Khardah, North 24-Parganas (W.B)
Pin Code 743121
5.11. 1990 
कल्याणीय विजय, 

                      तुम्हारा १३ -१० का पत्र अब मुझे मिला।  तुमने पूछा है 'भारत को क्या हो गया है ?'... इसीलिए तो महामण्डल का काम और भी तेज से होना चाहिये। इसको छोड़ कर जो जो लोग  धर्मान्ध होकर हिन्दू धर्म को बचाने की कोशिश में ध्यान दे रहे हैं, वे वास्तव में देश को पीछे हटाने काम में लगे हुए हैं। वे क्या स्वामीजी से भी अच्छे ढंग से (गहराई से) भारत के कल्याण पर चिंतन करने योग्य हैं ? सबको सद्बुद्धि मिले। 
श्री नवनीहरण मुखोपाध्याय 
Printed on back of postcard :     
" A hundred thousand men and women, fired with the zeal of holiness, fortified with eternal faith in the Lord, and nerved to lion's courage by their sympathy for the poor and the fallen and the downtrodden, will go over the length and breadth of the land, preaching the gospel of salvation, the gospel of help, the gospel of social raising-up — the gospel of equality." - Swami Vivekananda .[Letter written to Sri Alasinga : 20th August, 1893.] 

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