मंगलवार, 29 जून 2010

" ईसामसीह के जीवन के अज्ञात १२ वर्ष " [29 JNKHMP]

एक दिन प्रज्ञानन्दजी के पास बैठा हुआ था. कई प्रकार कि बातें कहते कहते बोले, " ईसामसीह के जीवन के १२ वर्ष कहाँ बीते थे, इस विषय पर बाइबिल य़ा अन्य किसी ईसाई ग्रन्थ में कोई चर्चा नहीं मिलती.उनके अनुयायी लोग केवल यही कहते हैं कि इस समय वे अज्ञातवास में थे. किन्तु तिब्बत में एक मठ है, जिसको ' हिमिस गुम्फा ' कहते हैं, उस गुम्फा के अन्दर पाली भाषा में एक पाण्डुलिपि रखी हुई है, उसका पहले फारसी में और बाद में अंग्रेजी में अनुवाद हुआ है,उसका नाम है- " The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ " यह पुस्तक अब दुष्प्राप्य है, किन्तु मेरे पास है. 
 मैंने तुरन्त कहा (भीतर के भुक्खड़ पढ़ाकू ने कहा) - " महाराज, वह पुस्तक क्या मुझे पढने के लिये देंगे?" उन्होंने कहा " यह तो मैं किसी को देता नहीं हूँ, क्योंकि ले जाने के बाद अधिकांश व्यक्ति लौटना भूल जाते हैं, किन्तु तुमको दे सकता हूँ. क्यों कि मैं जानता हूँ कि तुम इसे पढ़ कर मुझे जरुर लौटा दोगे. "
 मैं तो आनन्द से उछल पड़ा. पुस्तक को घर लाकर ' गौ-ग्रास ' चरने जैसा निगलने (आत्मसात करने) लगा. पढने के बाद उनको लौटा दिया. उस पाण्डुलिपि से फारसी भाषा में पहली बार अनुवाद किया Violet Crispe ने और इसे 1833A.D.में नेपाल से प्रकाशित किया गया था. फिर फारसी से अंग्रेजी भाषा में अनुवाद किये एक रुसी पर्यटक ने जिनका नाम था, Nicolus Notovitch . उस पुस्तक में लिखा है कि ईसामसीह इस ' अज्ञातवास ' के दौरान १२ वर्षों तक भारत और तिब्बत में थे, एवं बहुत से बौद्ध और जैन साधुओं के साथ उनका विचार-विमर्श हुआ था. भारत में रहते समय उनका अधिकांश समय काशी और पूरी में बीता था.ईसामसीह के जन्म की कथा में यह प्रसंग आता है कि पूर्व के आकाश से एक सितारा (नक्षत्र ) उठा और पश्चिम की दिशा में चलते चलते बेथलेहेम शहर के ऊपर जाकर खड़ा हो गया और उसी जगह एक स्तबल में इस ईश्वर-पुत्र का जन्म हुआ. इसीलिये इसमें कोई आश्चर्य नहीं कि I V kauel को यीशु के प्रवचनों में बौद्ध भाव की छाप दिखाई देती है.
[The findings of the Hindu monk, Swami Abhedananda, support Notovitch's discovery in practically all respects. This monk was a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna of the Barahanagar Temple, near Calcutta. Having learned of Notovitch's find and read his book, he decided to take his own trip to Himis monastery to check it out, which he did in 1922, accompanied by some others, including an expert translator from Leh. They persuaded a lama to show them a manuscript containing the Isa verses, which he read to Abhedananda and his interpreter, who then translated them into Bengali. The Himis manuscript was in Tibetan; the original was said to have been written in Pali and to exist in the monastery of Marbour near Lhasa, all of which confirms what Notovitch had learned, and indicates that J. Archibald Douglas had either been hoaxed into confirming the conclusions he was looking for, or had engineered such a hoax himself. We have much in writing about Abhedananda and who he was, but nothing about this Professor Douglas. Abhedananda wrote his book containing their travelogue and a fresh version of the Isa verses in stages, with the help of an assistant and a later editor; in 1987 it was finally translated into English.
According to Abhedananda, in India Jesus likely obtained the name Isa or Issa from "Isha," which means Lord in Sanskrit. "Lord" here relates to their great deity, Shiva, for which another name is "Ish."
There have been various instances in which visitors to Himis monastery unexpectedly learned that a set of the Isa verses was located there, and Elizabeth Clare Prophet has made known three of these cases. One such visitor was Elizabeth Caspari, who in 1939 made the journey through that region in the company of a Mrs. Clarence Gasque. They were told by a monk in charge of the Himis library that "These books say your Jesus was here!" Madame Caspari later became noted for having established the first Montessori school in the U.S.
Another visitor was the late Edward F. Noack, a lover of the high country of the Himalayas, who with his wife visited Himis monastery in the late 1970s. A monk there told him that "There are manuscripts in our library that describe the journey of Jesus to the East."
As explained by V. R. Gandhi, the causes of this suspicious attitude on the part of custodians of the sacred literature of the East trace back several centuries to the Muslim invaders of India once having destroyed thousands of the Indians' sacred documents, and to early Christian missionaries having acquired and belittled some of their documents. This distrustful attitude persists today, at least at Himis monastery, according to Tibetologists David L. Snellgrove and Tadeusz Skorupski.There is a report that records exist in the Puri Jagannath Temple archives confirming that Issa had spent some time in India. Jagannath is a large city on the southeast coast of India. This report comes from Sri Daya Mata of the Self-Realization Fellowship, when in 1959 she interviewed Sri Bharati Krishna Tirtha in India; he was the Shankaracharya of Puri.44.1 In the article she says, "In 1959 I discussed this [Jesus being in India during the 'unknown years'] with one of India's great spiritual leaders, His Holiness Sri Bharati Krishna Tirtha, the Shankaracharya of Puri. I told him that Guruji had often said to us that Christ spent some of his life in India, in association with her illumined sages. His Holiness replied, 'That is true. I have studied ancient records in the Puri Jagannath Temple archives confirming these facts. He was known as "Isha," and during part of his time in India he stayed in the Jagannath Temple. When he returned to his part of the world, he expounded the teachings that are known today as Christianity.'"
The successor to this Shankaracharya of Puri -- the current one as of 2008, Swami Nischalananda Saraswati -- has confirmed the above. In a rare interview of him granted to the producers of the documentary movie, Jesus in India (see also: this additional link), this confirmation is spelled out.
In summary, the evidence that Jesus/Issa spent many years of his youth in India rests upon strong evidence additional to Notovitch's findings, so that with hindsight, one can see that his original findings should not have been dismissed. With respect to the present study, the main implication from this is that Jesus]

 स्वामी विवेकानन्द ने अमेरिका में दिये गये अपने एक भाषण में कहा था- " पृथ्वी का प्रत्येक धर्म गंगा और यूफ्रेटिश नदी के मध्यवर्ती भूखण्ड में जन्म लिया है, एक भी प्रधान धर्म युरोप य़ा अमेरिका में कभी नहीं जन्मा. एक भी नहीं, प्रत्येक धर्म एसिया में ही उपजा वह भी पृथ्वी के इसी भूखण्ड के बीच."

The historic foundations on which Christianity stands seem to project it as an offshoot of Hinduism, ‘the mother of all religions’ as Swami Vivekananda called it. There are a number of authoritative works, which throw light on the life of Jesus in India.  Living with the Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama; The Grave of Jesus by Mufti Sadiqi; Jesus in the Heaven of Earth by Kwaja Nazir Ahmed; Where Did Jesus Die? By Jalaluddin Sham; and Fifth Gospel by Fida Hussain (Retired Director of Jammu-Kashmir Archaeology and Archives).

Swami Vivekananda says that Greek philosophy began with Pythagoras who had his training in India. Impartial historians of the West, like Prof. Heeran, trace the origin of western knowledge and religion to India. The religion of Christ originated from the philosophy of the Essenes and Therapeuts. Therapeuts of Alexandria based their philosophy on the “Theraputta” doctrine of Buddhism.}
 कुछ ही दिनों बाद स्वामी अभेदानन्दजी की जन्म-शताब्दी  मनाई जा रही थी, उस समय स्वामी अभेदानन्द द्वारा लिखित कई पुस्तकें अलग-अलग नामों से प्रकाशित होती थीं, अब यह तय हुआ कि अंग्रेजी में ग्रंथावली प्रकाशित होगी. प्रज्ञानन्दजी ने अभेदानन्द महाराज  की लिखी हुई १६ पुस्तकें मुझे देते हुए कहा- ' तुम इन सभी पुस्तकों को ठीक से देख कर Re -edit कर देना, इन्हें ग्रंथावली के रूप में प्रकाशित किया जाना है .' मैंने वैसा कर दिया.
 स्वामी प्रज्ञानन्द ने केवल music पर ही नहीं, कई विषयों पर ग्रन्थ लिखे हैं. भारतीय दर्शन पर उनके द्वारा लिखित एक पुस्तक का नाम है- ' Indian Philosophy '. इस पुस्तक की पाण्डुलिपि को भी Edit करने के लिये मुझे ही दिया था. उसके बाद ही उस पुस्तक को प्रकाशित किया गया था. इसप्रकार के कार्यों को करते करते उनके साथ मेरा एक बहुत घनिष्ट सम्बन्ध बन गया था.
मैंने उनसे ऐसा असाधारण प्यार और स्नेह पाया है, जिसकी तुलना किसी भी सांसारिक प्रेम य़ा स्नेह के साथ नहीं की जा सकती है. क्योंकि सांसारि लोग जब प्यार करते हैं तो उसके प्रतिदान में कुछ पाने की आशा भी रखते हैं, किन्तु सन्यासियों का प्यार असाधारण होता है, इनके प्यार में किसी प्रकार की प्रत्याशा नहीं रहती.                  

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